It’s been a tough few days. My profit is sliding and I’ve been limping around like a 90 year old.
When I’m not gambling I’m running. When I’m doing neither of those I’m trying to push my new running coaching business.
On Wednesday I joined my running club for an evening session and felt amazing. I woke up the next day with a sharp pain in the my left leg. I spent the day hobbling around town in pain.
That carried on into Friday until this morning I woke up feeling ok, so headed off to my local parkrun with the ambition of running sub 20 minutes. I failed.
What’s this got to do with gambling? Well the “Tip of the Day” on my running vlog (yet to be posted) was that Progress is Never Linear. We all want to improve and we expect it to happen week in week out.
Much like running, that doesn’t happen with gambling either. That won’t happen for you as a punter or the tipsters you follow. It’s really important you keep reminding yourself of this.
The tendency during these difficult weeks is to get disheartened, potentially even makes mistakes. In gambling that might mean chasing our losses or losing faith in a tipster on a poor run.
Don’t do those things! Just put it down as a bad week. Yikes, you’re going to have a shit load of these bad weeks, even if you do make a profit. Brush it off, move on and trust the process.
Not much to report in terms of how my tipsters are performing. I’m really struggling on the tennis but I would expect the grass court season could change that.
Plus it’s very early days and as mentioned above it’s important not to give up on tipsters just because a small losing run.