Blackjack is one of the most popular card games and the online version is just as enthralling as its real-world counterpart. Whether you wish to play a few rounds for fun or you have considering the possibility of earning a bit of extra money, you will undoubtedly be impressed with what is in store. However, it is always important to appreciate the fundamentals of betting in order to develop a sound strategy from the beginning. We will therefore take a brief look at the basics as well as what you should take into account.
A Look at the Basic Betting Fundamentals
The main goal of blackjack is simple. You will attempt to achieve a score equal to or lower than 21. In most cases, you will be playing against a dealer. He or she provides you with two cards. One of the cards is placed so that you can see its value and the other is dealt facing down. The dealer also gives himself (or herself) two cards in the same configuration. After viewing the cards that you have been dealt and calculating your chances of beating the dealer’s hand, you have four options:
• To stand (to leave the cards as they are)
• To hit (to ask for another card)
• To fold (to surrender the game)
• To double down (your bet is increased by 100 per cent after receiving an additional card)
As we can see, the rules are quite flexible. The key to winning is to be able to anticipate the value of your hidden card as well as what the dealer may be holding.
Chip Values: What You Need to Know
Appreciating the values of different chips is important when learning how to play blackjack, as this will enable you to easily determine your holdings as well as those of other competitors. Although the colours may vary slightly between online casinos, here is a general breakdown:
• White: One dollar (or the equivalent denomination)
• Red: Five dollars
• Green: 25 dollars
• Black: 100 dollars
• Purple: 500 dollars
• Orange: 1,000 dollars
Red chips are sometimes referred to as nickels, greens can be called quarters, and oranges are known as pumpkins.
More or Less Decks? A Quick Look at Statistics
Blackjack is partially a game of statistics based off of calculated strategy and a modicum of luck. As a general rule of thumb, it is better to play with a casino that offers a lower number of decks. This arises from the simple fact that you will have a higher chance of making a blackjack (a combined card value of 21).
Please note that this is only a very general overview of some blackjack fundamentals. It is always better to perform a fair amount of research and to play for free in order to begin to appreciate the finer points. Either way, you will be amazed at what this game has to offer.