It is no secret that slot machines are without a doubt one of the most popular games on the casino floors. While they are extremely popular, there are a variety of individuals that still don’t know how they really work. Knowing the ins and out of the machines will not only enhance your chances of winning, but it could potentially give you the competitive edge that you are looking for. In fact, you don’t really understand the inner workings it would be impossible to know if the casinos were taking advantage of you or not. So, how exactly do these casinos work?
Completely Random Spins
One of the easiest concepts to understand about slots is that each spin is totally random. Most gamblers refuse to believe this, but the truth of the matter is that it is completely true. The RNG (random number generator) of any slot machine will pick a random number that corresponds directly to its reel. At this point the machine will then direct the reel to stop at spots that are selected by this generator. You also have to keep in mind that by the time the reels are spinning, the game is pretty much already over. Even with visible reels it really wouldn’t increase the odds of your winnings, so this is why most casinos don’t even display them.
How Are The Stopping Slots Decide?
Any typical slot machine on free slots 2018 has a dozen stops per reel. Of course, the actual slot machine isn’t big enough to hold all the stops, so this is where technology and computer programs come into play. If you have ever seen the inside of a slot machine you would know that there are a variety of different symbols, blanks, and stops. Most individuals think that because there are eleven blanks they count as stops, but this is just a major misconception. In all actuality you are really not dealing with that many stops on any given reel.
There are actually 128 different stops on any given reel that are controlled by a computer program. The computer program’s job is to randomly pick a number between 1 and 128, which will correspond to the different symbols that pop up on the machine.
Casinos Do Really Get The Edge
It doesn’t matter if you are playing slots or blackjack the real truth of the matter is that the house does have the edge over the player. Sure, you have probably heard many players grovel and complain about the casino getting the edge over them and just thinking that the player had a run of bad luck. How are casinos able to do this legally without suffering stiff consequences? Well, they use math and probability to their advantage. Every single bet on any casino game, including slots offers the lowest probability of them paying out. Just imagine, if you are playing roulette and you place $1,000 on red 37. While you can best as little as $10.00, the odds of you actually collecting a profit are 37 to 1.
The odds of hitting the jackpot on a slot machine are even lower.