You have to be extremely lucky if you win big in any lotto game at your 1st attempt.
There is a huge number of lotto games all around the globe and any of them can make you insanely rich. While a lot of lottos are restricted to homeowners or visitors purchasing a ticket while in their borders, you can still take part in lottery fun by betting on which numbers will certainly show up. Sounds interesting?
If you’ve ever tried betting on football you can think that it’s a bit odd to bet on lotto game lucky numbers. We must admit: lotto digits are much higher if it’s your fortunate day. Well… how much? You might ask. In 2016 one lucky winner could have won £900m while betting on Powerball’s results!
What lottos can I play?
Many individuals in the UK incorrectly assume they can just participate in the Lottery and only going after a huge jackpot win attracts them. Thanks to the bookies you have a possibility to bet on lottery results across the globe, all along from Machu Picchu to Japan and even further. Just don’t forget that when you’re playing these games you’re not in fact purchasing a ticket for the draw, as those lotto games are usually limited to homeowners of the country or visitors who purchased ticked in person.
Draw betting and number betting
Draw betting
Draw betting typically mirrors the lotto: this means that players can choose the same quantity of lucky numbers and get the same money if they were able to predict these numbers but the betting ticket can be priced differently than the official lottery ticket. However, it’s possible that after winning you’re not going to get a total prize in advance: some bookmakers have maximum payouts that don’t even reach those millions while the specialized websites will pay an initial round figure then you will certainly get the rest in installments over months or years.
Bookies often tend to supply mostly number betting though.
Number betting
While betting on a number one could bet on even just one number being drawn on a lottery of his/her choice. With number betting, the betting company can set its own prizes and pay them out directly to the customers.
Which lotto bets have the best odds?
It’s important to consider up your opportunities of getting a jackpot win prior to deciding which lotto game you want to bet on. For instance, the Irish Lottery game is cheaper as well as it has higher winning chances than the National Lottery.
Apparently, western countries have much higher odds than eastern ones. For example, odds of winning Polish lottery bets are higher than those in the UK and US ones are the toughest ones to reach but it does not go along with the profit that you might get.
Which country offers the highest prize?
If you’re chasing after an eye-watering quantity of money — US games are the ones that you should look at. The prizes for their Powerball and Megamillions are insane.
In the US, the largest payouts have been: 1 billion British pounds in Powerball and 530 million GBP in Megamillions. Would it be enough for you? 😉
In the EU, only 2 lottery games have actually ever paid nine-figure sums, with the top Euromillions jackpot prize reaching ₤169m and also Italy’s SuperEnaLotto – ₤ 125m.
Wanna try to win? The odds of winning the first prize jackpot in Poland are one in 13,983,816 while 1 in 292,201,338 is US jackpot per play. Makes a difference, right? The reward is proportional to the risk though. Some people believe that chances are always low and it’s better to aim high while others calculate chances of winning, follow all the previous draws and draw numbers and try to estimate the probability of numbers’ occurrence. Just for you to know, no one has secured any proven winning method yet.
It’s not just all about the money
A lot of lotto bettors will certainly never get anywhere near a big win so it is quite important to check which game gives you the highest odds of landing some money.
Each lottery bet will certainly pay different amounts of cash depending also on the amount of numbers that you picked and their appearance in the draw.
Bookies try to attract bettors with frequent promotions – so you’re just curious how this game looks like – they’re not going to make off the money from you.
When you find it addictive – please just don’t forget that chances of winning a life-altering reward is smaller than being struck by lightning or crushed by a meteorite.
Yet dreams sometimes really come true, and gamers are being handed substantial cheques each week when their numbers lastly come up. Someone has to win these crazy bundles of money and one day it can be you!