Altan? Was that his name? For any of you that have been following Betting Kingdom you may recall the tennis tipster who gave me a headache or two (or hundred).
He just didn’t understand the concept of value. He believed successful gambling was all about picking winners! Each week he was convinced he’d devised the latest strategy that would see him make a profit. It never worked.
But his delusions remained. His losses reached -600 at least and all the time my tennis tips were up +1200. Still he continued to argue his case.
The importance of value cannot be over emphasized. You’ll soon get bored of me talking about it. If you stumble on a tipster that start using words like “banker” or “can’t see this one losing” then avoid at all costs.
A loss doesn’t mean it’s a bad tip!!
That’s the last I will say. If you cannot understand that notion then my best advice to you would be to stop gambling NOW. Right this minute. Never place another bet!
— Betting Kingdom (@BettingKingdom) June 6, 2023
As a punter it’s important to understand the outcome of a tip doesn’t determine whether it’s a good selection or not. You’ll find ignorant punters will criticize a losing tip after the result has occurred. These same dickheads (I’m sure they are nice people) will almost never comment before the event starts.
The reason is, they don’t understand value. Do you?
If you don’t, then please research it, or give up gambling now, because it’s very unlikely you are going to win.
If you’re a tipster who gets similar grief on social media to what I had to put up with in the past, my advice would be ignore it. No matter how much you explain to these morons (they’re probably quite bright in others aspects of life) the concept of value, they just won’t buy it. Find a good article, perhaps even this one, and just send them the link. You might save them from losing a lot of money.
So for those who don’t understand value. Every tip or bet you place should be on the basis the odds are too high. If you find a selection you think will win, still ask the question, are the odds correct? If they are right, don’t bet.
No doubt I’ll be back talking about value in a few weeks time, but it’s the fundamental aspect of what makes a tipster or punter profitable in the long run.
Oh and yesterday was a losing day for me, did I moan to any tipsters about their poor results? Of course not.