As brilliant a website as Twitter is, it can be quite a vile environment at times. That’s because the platform gives everyone a voice, including bellends.
Generally these Trolls will do everything in their power to gain attention. A lot of their tweets and replies will be a result of pure ignorance. It’s for this reason they are convinced they are correct or what they are saying holds substance. More often than not, it doesn’t.
Just to clarify in case certain Twitter uses are reading today’s entry, this post is based on Wednesday evenings interaction between myself, the brilliant Tom Collins and some nobhead seeking attention.
A sly comment has been made since then, that was more of a smart arse remark than trolling. And again it was born out of ignorance rather than facts.
Sadly sometimes these trolls do gain a decent following so their voice will be heard. False allegations or misinformed remarks do have the power to damage reputations.
You only have to go back to the completely one sided tipster affiliate debate, which was totally biased and ruined businesses, including my own. That I’m sure stemmed from Twitter and slowly grew out of control.
Back to the subject at hand. I think sometimes replying as a way to educate these numpties can be a good idea. But often just the one reply can be enough. It will soon become clear if they have any intention of taking on board your opinion, or just deliberately trying to goad you into a slanging match.
There really isn’t any way of getting away from these antics and the more popular or successful you become, the more trolls who will seek out your attention.
Sometimes the best advice is to just ignore it. Or if their tweet or reply is potentially damaging to your reputation, simply post out a Tweet to your followers to explain the mistruths.
In terms of my betting yesterday. It was shit. A terrible day on the horse racing, made worse by finding out one of the only bets that did win, that I added to my tracking, I forget to back.
Thanks for reading, please gamble responsibly and best of luck with your bets today.