I’ve been using Kris for a year now, and I will definitely be continuing to use him in the long term. You get around 15 tips a week, all year round, so it is not too onerous in terms of placing bets and you don’t have any quiet periods during the summer as he meticulously researches the lesser-known leagues in Scandanavia. All bets have a thorough write up with backing statistics, so you know you’re in good hands and it’s just just a hopeful punt. I’ve generally had no problem getting the advised odds, averaging around 98% of the suggested price. For those who prefer using Bet365 only, he does give alternative tips using that bookie, which is a great feature.
Most importantly, long-term profits are very evident. Kris tends to go for around evens odds on average with his tips (mostly via bet builders), so the aim is to keep the strike rate above 50%, which given the clear value of the bets is consistently achieved. There’s only been one really bad month in the past year, but I don’t think any tipster can offer 100% winning months. But this service is as close as you can get.
It’s not a get rich quick service, but the regular profits all add up noticably, and following the games has been rather fun too.
Thank you, KrisG 85.
Kris has been with me since Day 1 and is a very respected and appreciated subscriber.
His words are bang on, no betting service will get you rich, but with me you’ll definitely get extra passive income over the long term.