Steer well clear of this guy for a number of reasons. Firstly – and most importantly, he’s incentivising members to leave positive reviews on this site, suggesting they can win money and memberships by giving him positive 5* reviews – immediate red flag.
Secondly, doing some digging on his betting history I discovered that he’s involved in numerous spats with various tipsters over stealing their tips and reasoning before passing them off as his own. I joined the group to discover this is absolutely correct and around half of his bets have already been published elsewhere by high-profile tipsters. Fraudulent.
Finally, his demeanour is infuriating. Hes incredibly condescending and patronising to punters, never taking responsibility and blaming any losing bet on variance. He’ll sing when he’s won a bet but rarely acknowledges the losers – as his social profile proves. And his idea of value is laughable given some of the explanations on his bets. Avoid.
Unfortunately, ‘Betting Doc’ and ‘Dan Daverson’ is my online troll. He is the same person, he subscribes to my VIP under an alias and (for reasons unknown) is now trying to sully my reputation online.
I most certainly did ask members to leave reviews on this site, it’s a fantastic site that should be used more often, but in NO WAY were members incentivised to leave 5 star reviews. They were asked to leave ‘honest reviews’.
Secondly, in 2.5 years of tipping I’ve only had one cross word with another tipster who thinks he owns the market. That was 2.5 years ago! If I was stealing tips, I would have been caught by now. By tips are all 100% genuine and my detailed write up (for each bet) proves this.
If I come across as condescending – I apologise! Some subscribers are new to betting so I have to always ensure my explanations and advice is catered towards them.
Finally, every week we have cash out amounts that are showing an increase as high as 50%. If that’s not value, I don’t know what is.
‘Betting Doc’ – you are talking absolutely nonsense!